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Analytical Radionic Computer MK2/S/N

A new style MK2 computer for diagnosis, treatment, with built-in potentiser.

This is a new and improved version of our traditional MK2 unit which offers the same facilities in every way, but has a 'stick detector' pad for professional use (a pendulum can also be used if required).

MK2/S/N CopenLabs


Colour of case as illustrated, but may be ordered in Black, Green and Blue.

Size: Closed 13(1/8) in. by 15 inches. by 15 inches. by 5(1/4) inches - 33 cm x 38cm x 13cm.


$ 2150 USD

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Automatic Radionic Analytical Computer MK12/S/3/MA

A version of the already described model MK/7/6/MY, but operated by the traditional stick pad detector. May also be used with the pendulum if desired. The unit will diagnose.. analyse.. manufacture potentised medicines from 1 x to 100mm plus the new higher potencies named as F/1, F/2 and F/3.

Incorporated also is the EECS System, by which the encoded cards can be encoded, de-coded or used as a diagnostic or manufacturing tool.



Size: 34cm x 13cm (height at back) and 5cm (height at front), Weight: 3.5 Kilogrammes.

Complete with all rate books, instruction books, cables, etc. plus a supply of blank uncoded cards, and packing case.


$ 2650 USD

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Automatic Radionic Analytical Computer MK12P/MA

This is a new version of the Radionic Computer in a closed cabinet with a removeable lid - this enables the user to carry it to site of operation - with the easy removable/replaceable lid, thus keeping dust out, and affording easy access to operation.

The operation and instructions are exactly the same in every respect as the earlier MK12. A slight variation of the position of the signal indicators and switches will be seen in the image. Standard colour of case is Maroon or Red Wine, but is available in the other standard colours on request.


Standard in this unit is the 12 level diagnostic structure, and a 10 seconds timing/manufacturing sequence.

Supplied with all cables, data sheets, instructions, EECS cards, all complete.

Size: (with lid closed) 38cm x 34cm x 12cm.


$ 2650 USD

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