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Are you sensitive? by B. Copen, Ph.D. D. Litt.

This work offers for the first time an evaluation method to help you decide whether you are a true sensitive or not, and how you can acquire a greater degree of sensitivity

Biograms - The Secret of Successful Living by B. Copen, Ph.D.

Illustrated. The history and practical applications of Bio Rythms in everyday situations. A Book that will help everyone understand our ups and downs.

Coloronic Instrument Handbook. 5th revised Edition. B Copen, PhD.

The Coloronic uses a system of magnetic color frequencies for treatment, and over many years has proven its worth. The instrument has recently been improved, and the handbook revised to offer more practice information .

The Diagnostic Instrument Handbook, new revised edition, by B. Copen,Ph.D

Gives fullest working information and instruction on the Model “Y3” and similar instruments, complete with photographs an explanatory text. A “must” if you are interested in buying these instrumes.

Discovering Buried Treasure by B. Copen, PhD.

Buried wealth in one way or another has fascinated humanity for many years, never more so than today. This book seeks to offer practical help with the pendulum and simple inexpensive equipment, also additional information on the Prospecting instrument (see Modern Prospector). Illustrated, and useful for everyone.

Dowsing from Maps ( Tele-Radiesthesia ) by B. Copen, PhD.

The author has used this method with astounding success over the past 25 years, as have many others throughout the world. It is a little understood but very effective method of using the pendulum, requiring a good degree of sensitivity in the operator. Illustrated with examples and case histories, etc. Not technical.

Electronic Homeopathy for Plants by B. Copen, Ph.D. Little has ever been done to study plants and their “feelings” by scientist other than their biological functions. However, plants of all kinds do respond to treatment by Homeopathy, Biochemistry and similar natural treatment, and this book will act as a materia medica for this . An unusual concept, but workable.

Electronic Medicine by B. Copen,Ph.D.

Modern medical treatment using natural methods without drugs, or poisons, is available to those who may desire to use it. The book includes several modern Electronic methods of healing, including electronic Homeopathy, Biochemistry, etc... Such methods are cheaper and more efficient to use than the more orthodox systems, without harmful side-effects.

The electronic Potentiser Handbook. Fourth revised edition by B. Copen, Ph.D

Gives full instructions on uses of the instrument, and explains the layout of same. This new edition also explains the operation of the EVP/CC/80 and its various attachments. This edition has been thoroughly revised 1992.

Harmful Radiations and Their Elimination by B.Copen, Ph.D.

Eighth Revised Edition. First published in 1948 and since revised several times. The work is based on much research into the dangers of earth radiations and health.

Radio-Biology Therapy by B. Copen, Ph.D.

A new work which for the first time offers complete instructional data on the Multiple Wave Oscillator Instruments listed within this Catalogue. The results achieved this nature form of healing warrant further investigation. Illustrated with much up-to-date research data, it will help therapists to understand this most modern Therapy.

Healing by Auto-Induction by Eric Powell.N.D.

Describes the method expounded by late L.E. Eemans of self treatment by this natural method while you rest, and includes instructions in the use of the Auto Normaliser, see page 41.

The Healing Power of Bio-Magnetism. Fully illustrated by B. Copen, Ph.D.

Opens new knowledge of healing by natural magnetism, includes history and up to date information and techniques of its use.

How Radiesthesia Can Help You by B. Copen, Ph.D.

A Practical book which outlines instructions how to use the pendulum, and procedures on how to make good use of the Radionic Computer.

Life's Real Values by Lucy Copen, Ph.D.

A practical booklet showing how one can live a useful and vital life by observing life'’s underlyingprinciples.

Magic of the Aura by B. Copen, Ph.D.

This book deals with the human auric field. This is a completely new work offering much up-to-date information never before published. Readers who need a practical work on this subject will find this book worthwhile.

Material Medical of Homeopathic Formulasby B. Copen, Ph.D.

Containing a working description of over 250 Homeopathic potentised combination remedies, which have all been tried and tested over the past thirty years. Every formula can be made on our EVP instruments, especially on the units that will make multiple remedies.

The New Homeopathy by B. Copen, Ph.D. The new concept of using potentised medicines by the electronic method, a dynamic rejuvenation of the homeopathic theory of medicine, third edition.

The Modern Prospector by B. Copen, Ph.D. The handbook of the Geological Analysis and Prospecting Instrument, complete with Rates, Instructions, ect. Illustrated by photographs. The most modern method of prospecting for water, minerals, gold, ect.…

Pendulum Diagnosis by C. Dietrich, M.D. Translation by B. Copen, Ph.D.

A practical working manual, with useful information.

PSI Personal Protection Systems. New Publication by B. Copen, Ph.D.

Information on the dangers of Fall-out various forms of pollution and influences on the living being. A very valuable publication describing our PSI Protection equipment.

Radiesthesia & Radionics Research Studies-

A set of 5 monographs, comprising various research paper etc taken from Bruce Copen’s magazines from 1950-1975. A total of about 200 pages of the mos fascinating and practical material in this subject. Supplied in a set of 5 monographs only. Airmailed.

Radiesthesia for Home & Garden by B. Copen, Ph.D.

A new publication which offers simple and practical instruction for using the pendulum for all kinds of jobs in the domestic sphere...testing foods...finding missing things around the house...broken pipes, selecting colours of decorations and a multitude of other uses. An amateur may use this method.

The Radionic Computer Handbook by B. Copen, Ph.D.

The complete instructions on how to use the Radionic computer, complete with tables, photographs and line drawings contained in 72 pages of valuable text. The Radionic Computer is today’s most valuable diagnostic and therapeutic tool. 4th Revised Edition.

Radionics, Volume 1, by B. Copen, Ph.D.

Offering valuable information for everyone interested in Radionics for the first time, and for beginners using Radionic equipment. Includes list, charts and practical data. A fourth edition of this valuable work.

Radionics, Volume II, by B. Copen, Ph.D.

A Continuation volume offering suggestions for improving operation of modern Radionic instruments, including the Radionic Analytical Computer. The most advanced data on radionics today in it’s fourth edition.

Simplified Botanic Medicine by B. Copen, Ph.D.

A practical and useful book on herbal medicine that may be used in the home for most common ailments.

Sleep the Natural Wayrevised edition by B. Copen, Ph.D.

Gives information of vital importance if you want to sleep the healthy way without drugs.

The Technical Pendulum by B. Copen, Ph.D.

This is a new style publication which goes more deeply into the vast array of pendulum movements, and what they mean. Many of the more subtle methods of using Radiesthesia are published for the first time ever. Despite its title, the book is not technical in terminology and may be used effectively by the sincere researcher.